Tree & Me

March 18, 2012 at 10:20 pm (By Amba)

This young Magnolia grandiflora, planted today on my friend Chris’s land outside Chapel Hill, will incorporate some atoms of Jacques and will eventually grow to be 40 to 50 feet tall.


  1. Rick Robotham said,

    Annie thats a wonderful tree and atoms of J is great!!
    Great seeing you again. You look terrific and it was a
    wonderful time Wednesday night.
    Love Rick

  2. dnormang said,

    Me love dat tree.

  3. amba12 said,

    Rick . . . soooo good to see you.

    D: dat tree love you!

  4. mockturtle said,

    From W.C.Bryant [Thanatopsis]:

    The oak
    Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mould.
    Yet not to thine eternal resting-place
    Shalt thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish
    Couch more magnificent.

  5. wj said,

    What more enduring act of faith in the future can one give than to plant a tree?

    (And that goes double for one of the slow-growing ones!)

  6. A said,

    Ah, you and tree look so good, standing there!

  7. karen said,

    You look like you are dealing/healing well w/everything, amba.
    You radiate peace and hope. So very good:0).

    40-50 feet tall– a tree fitting to the man.

  8. Maxwell James said,

    Since J seemed to be half-tree himself, that’s pretty much perfect.

  9. karen said,

    I’m thinking and praying for Randy– always on my mind– will you let him know?

  10. amba12 said,

    Karen, your thoughts and prayers might reach him more directly than any physical message could . Word was he was (at least at the time I heard he was in hospice) no longer fully conscious and coherent.

  11. CGHill said,

    I definitely like that idea. (Maybe I can keep some of my own trees going after I’m gone.)

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