Love in the Middle Ages

February 14, 2012 at 3:35 pm (By Amba)

The god of love has one year to prove he’s still relevant. The lovers he’s been assigned as his final exam–two yearning, prickly, battle-scarred, independent middle-aged people, Evan and Eve–aren’t exactly making it easy.

Set in Vermont maple syrup country, NYC, and SF, A Godsend, my buddy Dalma Heyn’s “love story for grownups”—wry, hopeful, sexy—is available today in all e-book formats for only 99 cents — the price of a song. Literally*. What have you got to lose? And if you know somebody else who might like it, please pass it on.

A love story for all of us who are no longer kids; who are hopeful even in changing times, and who know that love can happen in an instant . . . at any age.

*Don’t you love it? When someone says, “You can have it for a song,” now we can put a number to that!


  1. mockturtle said,

    I don’t know…my kindle is filling up fast. Downloaded Tristram Shandy day before yesterday, haven’t yet read Gogol’s Dead Souls which I downloaded a couple of months ago after reading Dostoevsky’s The Idiot and am reading two economics books and a sailing adventure right now [Lionheart So many books, so little time. ;-) But, for 90 cents, how can I go wrong? I rarely read books written in this century. Or even last century, for that matter….

  2. amba12 said,

    This one is just fun. It’s light reading, but literate and sophisticated — with a light touch. Often “light” reading is badly written — not this. It’s elegantly funny and touching. It’s also written for an unusual audience — sort of urbane, educated, cultured (a world Jacques carried me well beyond, but I still have a few friends there! :-P). You’ve made me realize I ought to let “the list” (the Desperate Caregivers, active and emeritus) know about this, since so many have Kindles or Nooks now.

  3. mockturtle said,

    Good idea!

  4. kngfish said,

    mockturtle, did you enjoy the Idiot? I remember we had a thread about this a while back…. I do love it so!

  5. mockturtle said,

    Very much! Maybe not as much as The Brothers K. because I enjoyed the characters more in that novel but Dostoevsky does dialog so well [and most of The Idiot is dialog!]. I found several character parallels, like Nastasia being a version of Grushenka, Rogozhin similar to Dmitri and Prince Muyshkin being Alexei [both protagonists terribly pallid compared to the crazy, colorful secondary characters]. And, though I think I know what Dosteovsky was trying to say in both novels, I’m not sure I agree with him. He was clearly a great writer but I have also suspected something sinister in his heroes that he may not even have intended to portray. Ah, but here I go, trying to analyze when, only yesterday, I said I didn’t do that! ;-) Thanks so much, kngfish, for the suggestions. Am looking forward to Gogol soon!

  6. lh said,


  7. mockturtle said,

    To kngfish: Just another comment about The Idiot: The translation available for kindle was probably faithful but lacks the richness of Peavey’s excellent translation of The Brothers Karamazov, which may be one reason I preferred the latter. But I will admit that the bitchery duel between Aglaya and Nastasia in The Idiot is a classic. The fact that they were vying for the affection of the prince [what am I missing here??] seemed unlikely to me. Much more believable, but less brilliant, was the sparring between Grushenka and Katerina [over Dmitri] in The Brothers K.. Again, thank you for the recommendation. God willing, I hope to have the time to read all of Dostoevsky’s novels.

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