So Lucky . . .

June 21, 2009 at 10:42 pm (By Amba) (, )

. . . still to have my Dad . . .


. . . and his first love, my mom . . .


. . . at 91, 85, and 63!!


And with me, they were just getting started!  Don’t get me started!



  1. Ron said,

    Very Beautiful Pics, Amba…I’m heatrfelt touched, I am…

  2. Randy said,

    I’m with Ron! And I’ll add you are very lucky indeed.

  3. amba12 said,

    Randy, how is your mom? I’m thinking of the picture of you with her at the lawn table.

  4. Darcy said,

    Oh! Fantastic pics. And Amba – look at you! Still hot. :)

    I love that your mom is doing the rabbit ears behind your dad’s head.

  5. PatHMV said,

    How very, very rich your family is, in all the things that matter…

  6. amba12 said,

    Aww, Darcy . . . pot calling kettle black and comely!

  7. Randy said,

    All things considered, she’s doing fine. Thanks for asking.

  8. amba12 said,

    Thanks for your generous responses, all. When you’re so lucky you sometimes feel like you oughta just shut up. So many people missing their dads yesterday, and every day.

  9. PatHMV said,

    For my dad yesterday, we were able to give him a large picture of him with all 4 of his sons, all of us scuba diving underwater. We each signed it for him.

  10. amba12 said,

    Ah, that’s wonderful!

  11. Bruce B. (chickenlittle) said,

    Lucky indeed!

  12. Donna B. said,

    I just got back from spending the week with my father. I, too am lucky. But I know what it is like to miss a parent. My mother died nine years ago… and today I’m glad that her death was relatively quick and pain-free, though I still miss her.

    What I really hate is that she is missing her great-grandchildren.

    My Dad was taking a nap in his favorite recliner and my daughter told her 2 year old not to bother Papa. She responded, “Papa in time-out?”

    My mom would have found that so funny. It is at these times that I wish, no HOPE, that there is a heaven and that Mom is getting to enjoy these times too.

    We’re all lucky in some way I think. The passing of the family torch from one generation to the next can be iffy sometimes. My father has only 5 siblings left of 13. All of my mother’s generation in her family is gone.

    Frankly, I’m a bit scared of the responsibility of becoming one of the “wise” elders. I am so not prepared.

    Sorry for going off on a tangent, but I got a wake-up call that my father is not immortal this week and it’s not setting well with me.

    Thank you for hosting a place where I can say that.

  13. amba12 said,

    My father too has recently begun to share time on earth with his first great-grandchild (and step-ggc’s).

    I wish — I hope — your mother could hear that 2-year-old remark. (I love two-year-olds. They are worth all the trouble they are because they’re living in magic an can report from it.)

    There’s so much else I could say. There’s a sense in which the longer you have one or both parents, the less you can imagine not having them. It sort of dangerously confirms your primitive belief that they are permanent, even as you “know” better.

  14. Donna B. said,

    Yes, that is right. How odd it is to say that my father is “healthy for his age” except for stage 1 lung cancer at age 86. I think the worst thing I’ve ever heard was the radiation oncologist say that the cancer would not cause my father’s death.

    I cannot imagine not having him with me. This week I realized that even if he lives 10 more years… what a short time that is!

    As long as he lives I will still be a child and I am not ready to grow up.

  15. amba12 said,

    A friend of mine, when she lost her mother, said “Now there’s no one between me and death.”

  16. Danny said,

    Gorgeous photos. I’m especially fascinated by the early black-and-white ones. They look like stills taken from some Group Theatre production, how old were they in those? Your parents were, and are, absolutely stunning. And knowing just a little about your family’s interesting and often unorthodox past, I’m praying that a family memoir is on your docket of future projects.

  17. amba said,

    Hi Danny! If I was about two in the group shot, they would have been 24 and 30. In the other one, I’ probably 7 and my dad 35.

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